Meetings might be dull, but that doesn’t mean you should spend the time doodling on a yellow legal pad rather than paying attention. On the contrary, you can take steps to boost your career in those tedious weekly meetings. Here are some of American StaffCorp’s top tips for giving yourself a professional leg up on the competition:
Do Your Homework
You wouldn’t go into a sales or client meeting without doing your homework, and the same is true of internal gatherings. Before your next team meeting, take time to learn about the day’s subject of conversation. Along with researching the issue being discussed, consider writing down a few questions that you want to ask or comments you want to make. Your preparation will pay off when it comes to impressing your supervisors and colleagues.
Add on to Ideas
Sometimes employees are hesitant to share their thoughts in meetings. They might think they should keep their mouths shut if they don’t have an original idea; after all, no one wants the meeting to last any longer than necessary. However, the truth is that you can participate – and add to the conversation – by developing ideas thrown out by your colleagues. For example, you might propose an amendment to an idea or offer suggestions to make a solution even better. The goal is to facilitate the conversation while staying on topic.
Ask the Right Questions
Just as it’s important to talk in meetings, it’s also important to listen to the ideas of your fellow employees. One way to demonstrate your listening skills is to ask questions at the right time. Be the person who asks for clarification on a vague point and encourage the whole room to look beneath the surface and reflect.
Contact American StaffCorp Today
If your career isn’t moving in the direction you desire, consider contacting American StaffCorp for help. Along with being a top recruiter, we pride ourselves on helping job candidates improve their resumes, prep for interviews, and get their professional lives on track. For more information on what we can do for you, contact our experts today!
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