How to Draw in More Candidates to Your Jobs

Did your last few interviews fail to live up to expectation? Is your company desperate to draw in more quality hires? At American StaffCorp, we’re passionate about helping employers find talented workers to grow their businesses.

Check out these tips for finding the best active and passive candidates for your open positions: 

Ask Your Employees 

If you’re on the hunt for great employees, it pays to use one of your best resources: your company’s current workforce. These individuals boast valuable connections through their friend groups, along with the people they know on LinkedIn and social media. If you want to expand your recruitment base, ask employees to share your job posts with their network and offer a referral bonus for anyone who brings in a candidate you end up hiring. 

Improve Your Website 

Most websites feature a careers page that enables job candidates to apply for positions online. However, failing to add compelling content about your company and mission can mean letting talented workers slip through your fingers. For best results, create a careers page that focuses on selling your business to prospective hires and includes detailed information about openings. The goal is to show web visitors why your company is a great place to work. 

Offer Better Perks 

Of course, it’s hard to attract top candidates to your website if you’re offering below-average salaries and benefits. Truly exceptional job candidates know that they can have their pick of employers and tend to seek out companies that provide high wages and perks like great healthcare and plentiful time off. If you want to increase your candidate quality for less, consider adding more affordable benefits like on-site gyms or flexible work hours. 

Solve the Search With Help From American StaffCorp 

Finding the best employees is no easy feat in this economy. At American StaffCorp, we’ve devoted the past 25 years to helping OKC businesses and job candidates solve the search. Ready to find your next great employee? Call today for info on our services or contact our team to set up a consultation.  


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