If your job search has stalled in recent months, don’t panic. Working with a staffing firm can expose you to new opportunities while giving you a leg up on the competition. You just have to make sure to choose the right firm. Here are some of American StaffCorp’s top tips for evaluating staffing firms and choosing the right one for you.
Choose the Right Firm
A good staffing firm is one that’s right for you. If you don’t have a good feeling about the person on the other end of the phone line – or across the desk – ask to talk to another recruiter or move to a different company.
Make Sure It’s Reputable
Do your research before signing on the dotted line. Assess the company by looking into its online reputation, visibility, and connections in your industry of choice.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
Talk to your recruiter before making any decisions. If your recruiter doesn’t thoroughly explain the staffing process and how they will help you achieve your goals, ask for more information.
Be Flexible
Your dream job might not be the one you initially envisioned. When considering different staffing firms, be open to full-time, part-time, temporary and contract positions – you never know which one could turn into your new dream job.
Say No When Needed
Of course, it’s also okay to turn down an opportunity. If a staffing firm is pressuring you to take a position you don’t feel is a good choice, you might want to walk away.
Stay in Touch
Don’t forget to check in. If you aren’t hearing from your recruiter as often as you’d like, or you aren’t happy with the quality of positions you’re seeing in the emails you receive, get in touch with your recruiter.
Be Collaborative
Working with a staffing firm is a two-way street. Share your positive and negative experiences on the job to improve the quality of future opportunities.
Contact American StaffCorp Today
Frustrated with your current role? Don’t wait any longer to find your dream job. Call today or set up an appointment with our recruiters online.
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