The holidays are a stressful time for consumers and businesses alike. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when tempers flare and interactions become heated. As an employer, it’s your responsibility to provide top-quality customer service at this time of year; however, you can’t be the one to resolve every issue and dispute. Here are five ways to improve your customer service while ensuring your employees have a happy holiday:
Direct messages carefully.
Not all customer service inquiries should go to the same desk or email inbox. For best results, create a clear chain of command for dealing with customer concerns and tag electronic messages as soon as they’re received.
Create an FAQ page.
Want to cut down on some of the phone calls coming through to your customer service staff? Take the time to build a Frequently Asked Questions page on your website. If your consumers know a resource like this exists, they will hopefully consult it before calling to complain to your employees.
Train your staff.
As an employer, you’ve probably watched a staff member handle a customer service complaint and thought you could do a better job. Before lambasting your team for making mistakes, take time to provide them with proper training. The goal is to practice responding to customers in various scenarios so your staff will be ready for the real thing.
Treat your team well.
You can’t expect your staff members to treat your customers well if you leave them hanging during the holidays. Be generous this time of year if you want your employees to demonstrate the same kindness with shoppers.
Hire a staffing company.
If you want to take the burden off your employees while ensuring your customers get everything they need to make the season merry, consider working with a staffing company. A Tulsa-based recruitment firm, American StaffCorp can help you find temporary, part-time, and seasonal employees for a wide range of positions from managerial roles to administrative jobs. And because we provide careful screening services, you don’t have to worry about your new employees failing to make the grade.
To find out more about the services provided by American StaffCorp, call today or contact our recruiting team.
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