How to Nurture and Reward Top Performers

Nurture and Reward Top Performers


Your employees are the heart and soul of your business, so it’s natural that you’d want to treat them as valuable members of the team. Unfortunately, companies often spend so much time worrying about less-productive employees that they don’t have time to nurture those at the top. Here are some of American StaffCorp’s tips for rewarding your company’s best performers to keep them in your employ.

Involve Them in Decision Making

A great way to recognize your top performers is to involve them in company planning and decision making. Not only will asking these employees to participate show them you respect their opinions, but it also gives them an opportunity to grow and take on new responsibility. You might just find that they are feeling bored and looking for the chance to expand their current roles.

Support Continuing Education Efforts

If you want to keep your best people around for the long haul, it’s important to offer them opportunities to continue their education while in your employ. Along with hosting seminars and training sessions, consider providing full or partial reimbursement for college tuition. Not only will you ingratiate yourself to your staff, but you will also reap the benefits of its newly acquired skills.

Recognize the Whole Team

As important as it is to shower praise on your top achievers, you also need to recognize the efforts of your other team members, including those who support the executives on a daily basis. After all, most people don’t succeed without help. Take the time to recognize everyone’s contributions and give junior employees a chance to rise to new heights.

Call American StaffCorp for Help Reducing Turnover

 If you’re tired of losing employees to your competition, it might be time to make some changes in your staffing. A leader in Oklahoma recruitment, we help companies find experienced clerical, professional, and administrative workers for all their open positions and work with them to keep employees for the long haul. To find out more about what we can do for you, call today or contact our recruiting team online.

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